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How to Help a Dog with Anxiety



Do you have an anxious best friend? Does your buddy bark, whine and panic? You’re not alone! Many dogs experience anxiety, it’s frightening for your dog and can be a worrying time for you. However, we’re about to show you how to calm your dog down, and help your best friend lead a stress free life.

That being said, feeling anxious is a normal and often healthy emotion. If your dog’s anxiety level is too high and left unchecked, it could turn into an anxiety disorder. Such a condition can lead to behavioral issues as well as other problems. Thankfully, you can train your dog to calm down quickly.

What Causes Canine Anxiety?

Many things can cause dog anxiety, but the most common causes seem to be fear, separation and ageing. Keep these things in mind when caring for your anxious dog.


Things that can cause fear in your dog are loud noises, strange people or animals, visual stimuli such as hats or umbrellas, new or unfamiliar environments as well as specific situations. These situations can include the vet’s office or car rides or even surfaces like grass or wood floors. Some dogs may only have quick reactions to these things, but they can cause real turmoil for more frequently anxious dogs.


Separation anxiety is estimated to affect around 14% of dogs. Dogs with this condition cannot find comfort when they are left alone or separated from their family. This anxiety often comes out in undesirable behaviors. These negative characteristics include urination and defecation in the home and destroying furniture and furnishings. It may also manifest in barking and whining.


This affects older dogs and can be associated with cognitive dysfunction syndrome or CDS. CDS affects memory, learning, perception and awareness. In this way, it is similar to Alzheimer’s disease in humans. This leads to both confusion and anxiety in older dogs.

What Symptoms Should You Look For?

So how can you tell if your dog has anxiety? There are several things you will need to look out for.

  • Aggression
  • Accidents in the house
  • Drooling
  • Panting
  • Destructive behaviors
  • Excessive barking
  • Pacing
  • Restlessness
  • Repetitive or compulsive behaviors

Some of these symptoms may be the result of a rare anxiety-inducing event. Any of these behaviors can become recurrent and result in more serious concerns. By far, the most dangerous symptom is aggression.

It can be targeted directly or indirectly in any given situation. Direct aggression is when your best friend lashes out towards people or other animals. Indirect aggression often occurs when a person comes between the dog and the perpetrator of the aggression, like another animal. The first signs of this are growling and barking.

Accidents in the house are pertaining to urination and defecation. It is a prevalent symptom of separation anxiety, and anxious dogs often get themselves so worked up that they have an accident. This can be frustrating for owners who have worked challengingly housebreaking their beloved companion. It is unpleasant to clean and can lead to things like property damage.

Like accidents, destruction is also widespread with separation anxiety. The damage is most often found near the entryway/exit points like doorways and windows. Dogs in such a state of heightened anxiety are also at risk to themselves. Your best friend may attempt to break out of his crate, windows, or even doors, resulting in severe and painful injuries requiring an expensive vet visit.

How Can You Help?

There are two main things you can do to help your anxious dog. These are prevention first, and if all else fails, treatment. It can be hard to precisely predict what makes your dog nervous and even harder to tell if it will become a severe condition. First, we will discuss prevention and then treatment.


You can do things to help train your puppy or adult dog to help with their anxiety early on. These suggestions may solve the problem before it becomes a serious concern. However, if they don’t work or the stress gets worse, it may be time to discuss treatment with your veterinarian.

Body Language

One of the best things you can do to help your dog is reading their body language. Get to know when your pet is uncomfortable or scared. Learning these things can help you avoid negative experiences or use them as a teaching moment. Knowing your dog’s body language will also tell you when they are just beginning to get anxious. This is especially useful when it comes to dogs with aggression-related anxiety.


Proper socialization can help prevent anxiety in dogs. Introducing your dog to new people, dogs, animals, places, and experiences early on can help avoid an anxiety response later on. It also helps your best friend become well-adjusted.


Obedience training is an essential tool for helping your dog with their anxiety. It helps establish a healthy relationship and establishes trust between the two of you. A well-trained dog is easier to socialize with. We recommend obedience classes as they are an excellent place for dogs to meet other dogs in a safe environment.

Exercise and Nutrition

Regular exercise and stimulation are vital to your best friend’s development, physical and mental health. A well-stimulated companion is less likely to be destructive. Nutrition is equally important to your canine’s health. Making sure your pet is healthy will also help make them happy and can help reduce their stress.

Situation Avoidance

You can also avoid or prevent events that cause your dog’s anxiety, especially if they have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. It doesn’t mean you need to put your life on hold, but it can help reduce some of your pet and your’s stress. If you can’t avoid the sources of your dog’s anxiety, then it is best to take preventative measures such as leashes, harnesses and, if needed, basket muzzles. Know your best friend’s triggers. You can prepare for these situations in advance.


If treatment is needed, then it is best to talk to your veterinarian. They will be able to help identify exactly what is causing your best friend to be anxious. They will also be able to discern if your buddy’s anxiety is situational or a more severe issue. If the concern is extreme, medication may be necessary. Always talk to your vet before giving any kind of medicine to your pet.

Training and Conditioning

You can use training and conditioning to help your anxious best friend. The purpose of this is to curb your pet’s response by replacing the anxious or aggressive behavior with something more desirable, such as sitting or paying attention to their owner.

You can also try exposure therapy as a form of training with your canine. This is the process of slowly introducing your dog to what is causing their anxiety. Do this in short periods at a decreased intensity. Reward your bud for positive behavior and repeated exposure. Through these methods, your dog’s fear may lessen.

Anxiety Meds for Dogs

If your friend is struggling, your vet may recommend medications such as an SSRI or antidepressant. For more predictable events, they may recommend a benzodiazepine and an antidepressant to help your dog in particular times of stress.

In Conclusion:

Anxiety for your best friend may be more stressful than you think. It can come on suddenly and in various ways and even turn into a more severe condition. However, with the proper training, techniques and possibly meds, your best friend can get back to being their happy and calmer selves.

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The Legal Landscape: Navigating Pet-Related Rental Laws in the UK




In the United Kingdom, where a profound affection for animal companions is woven into the cultural fabric, navigating the intricate legal terrain of pet-friendly rental laws, commonly referred to as the ‘law on renting with pets,’ stands as a pivotal undertaking for many seeking accommodation. Renting with pets has evolved into a commonplace scenario, compelling both lessees and lessors to acquaint themselves with the elaborate network of regulations governing these arrangements. This discourse aims to illuminate the rights and obligations associated with pet-friendly rentals in the UK, delving into pivotal facets that demand consideration from both tenants and landlords.

The Lessee’s Perspective: Pet-Permitted Tenancy Entitlements

1.1 Lessees’ Entitlement to Animal Companionship

For individuals who hold a deep fondness for the camaraderie of furry companions, apprehending their entitlements assumes paramount significance. The default stance in the UK dictates that lessees possess the liberty to maintain pets unless the tenancy agreement explicitly dictates otherwise. Nevertheless, lessors wield the authority to insert clauses that limit or prohibit pet ownership, underscoring the need for tenants to meticulously scrutinize the terms before affixing their signature to any agreement.

1.2 Unjust Pet Limitations

It is imperative to acknowledge that not all stipulations related to pets hold enforceable sway. The Consumer Rights Act of 2015 shields lessees from inequitable terms within tenancy agreements and unduly restrictive clauses about pets may be deemed unjust. This implies that an across-the-board prohibition on all pets, devoid of consideration for the type, size, or demeanour of the creature, could potentially be contested in a legal forum.

1.3 Rational Pet Security Deposits

Lessees with pets may be subject to a heightened deposit requirement, considering potential damage or augmented cleaning expenditures. However, such demands must be reasonable. The Tenant Fees Act of 2019 places a cap on the security deposit at five weeks’ rent, and any endeavour to surpass this threshold solely due to the presence of pets may be adjudicated as unlawful.

The Lessor’s Outlook: Harmonizing Pet-Friendly Leases with Property Conservation

2.1 Pet-Accommodating Property Administration

Lessors, while aspiring to attract a broader spectrum of lessees, may harbour concerns about the impact of pets on their properties. To address this, some lessors adopt property management practices that accommodate pets, incorporating pet-friendly flooring, incorporating specific pet-related clauses, and conducting periodic property inspections to monitor potential damage.

2.2 Tailored Pet Stipulations

Lessors retain the prerogative to embed pet-related stipulations within tenancy agreements, explicitly outlining the types, sizes, and quantities of pets permissible. By customizing these clauses, lessors can strike a delicate equilibrium between catering to pet owners and safeguarding their properties. Lessors must communicate unambiguously with lessees regarding expectations concerning pet care and property upkeep.

2.3 Insurance Deliberations

Lessors may also contemplate adjusting their insurance policies to factor in potential risks associated with pets. Certain insurance providers extend coverage for damages caused by pets, furnishing lessors with an additional layer of protection. However, lessors must engage in detailed discussions with their insurers to ensure comprehensive coverage.

The Legal Framework: Expulsions and Contentions

3.1 Pet-Linked Expulsions

In instances where lessees breach pet-related clauses or inflict substantial damage, lessors may contemplate eviction. However, adhering to proper legal procedures, including furnishing written notices and pursuing possession orders from the court, is imperative. The rationale for eviction must be articulately stated, and lessors should be prepared to substantiate their decision based on factual circumstances.

3.2 Dispute Resolution and Conciliation

In the event of disputes, conciliation can serve as a valuable instrument for resolving conflicts between lessors and lessees. Mediation services, such as those offered by the Residential Landlords Association (RLA) and the National Landlords Association (NLA), can aid in finding common ground, circumventing the time and expense associated with legal proceedings.

Reflections on Pet-Embracing Leases

Traversing the legal expanse of pet-friendly rental laws in the UK demands a nuanced comprehension of the entitlements and obligations intrinsic to both lessees and lessors. Striking a judicious balance that accommodates the pleasures of pet ownership while fortifying property interests remains imperative. Through meticulous examination of tenancy agreements, adoption of pet-accommodating property management practices, and awareness of legal entitlements, both lessees and lessors can ensure a harmonious cohabitation for all involved parties. In the realm of pet-friendly rentals, an erudite approach is the linchpin to wagging tails and contented lessors.

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Healthy Pets

Comparing Medical Insurance Plans: Key Factors to Consider Before Choosing a Policy



which medical insurance is best

In today’s unpredictable times, medical insurance plans have become a necessity more than a luxury. You or your family member might fall sick, get sick, or require immediate hospitalisation that can cause an emotional breakdown. But those pilling bills can add to the stress and lead you to struggle financially as well.

But today you don’t have to worry about the hospital bills burning a hole in your pocket. With numerous medical insurance plan options available nowadays, your life has become easier.

So, how to decide which plan is best suited for your family? it’s a smart move to compare some important factors before making a final decision.

Factors to Keep in Mind

●    Things it Covers

One of the most important things to keep in mind when selecting a medical insurance plan is the level of coverage it offers. Different companies may provide varying levels of coverage for the same insured sum. It’s crucial to opt for a comprehensive plan that includes additional benefits such as coverage for outpatient department (OPD) expenses, critical illnesses, pre-existing conditions, and ambulance services.

●    Good Renewable Age

Choosing a health insurance plan that offers lifetime renewability or a higher renewal age is advisable as one may face various complex health issues during their old age. Opting for a plan with lifelong renewability is even more advantageous as it ensures continuous health coverage throughout one’s lifetime.

●    Hospitals

When comparing various medical insurance plans, it’s essential to review the list of hospitals covered under the insurance provider’s cashless network and check if your preferred hospital is included. This will come in handy during emergencies, as it allows for cashless transactions. Additionally, it’s important to determine whether the insurance provider has tie-ups with a large network of hospitals.

●    Waiting Time

It’s important to note that certain medical conditions such as cataracts, pregnancy, or preexisting conditions may not be covered immediately after purchasing a health insurance plan, and a waiting period ranging from 1 to 4 years may be required. Therefore, it’s crucial to check the waiting period for such conditions while comparing different health insurance plans.

●    Expenses for Pre and Post Hospitalisation

Certain medical treatments may involve expenses before and after hospitalisation, such as diagnostic tests, biopsies, and follow-up visits to the doctor. It’s important to ensure that your health insurance policy covers all of these expenses to avoid any financial burden. Therefore, it’s advisable to check for coverage of such expenses when comparing different health insurance policies.

●    About the Premium

The primary goal of comparing and knowing which medical insurance is best is to obtain the maximum coverage that you need while paying a premium that you can afford. However, it’s crucial not to select a policy with a high premium that may become difficult to maintain in the future. Therefore, when comparing different health insurance plans, it’s important to consider the affordability of the premium to avoid any financial strain in the long run.

●    About Super Top-up Plans

Choosing a super top-up plan in addition to your regular health insurance policy is a smart move. This ensures that if your hospitalisation expenses exceed a certain limit, your insurance provider will cover the remaining amount. Additionally, top-up plans generally have lower premiums, making them a viable option for individuals who cannot afford high premiums. Therefore, opting for a super top-up plan can provide added financial security and peace of mind.

●    About Sub-limit

Sublimits are applicable to certain medical expenses, such as doctor visits, room and bed charges, etc., and are covered by the insurer based on the policyholder’s sublimit. If these charges exceed the sublimit, the policyholder must pay the difference amount. That’s why many policyholders prefer policies without sublimits, and even if one chooses a policy with a sublimit, it’s wise to opt for a higher limit. This ensures that there’s sufficient coverage for all medical expenses and reduces the possibility of incurring additional out-of-pocket expenses.

●    Customer Reviews

It’s important to check the reviews and ratings of different insurance providers on social media platforms. This can provide valuable insight into the user experiences related to their products, including:

  • The time taken to settle claims
  • How quickly they respond to customer queries

By checking these reviews and ratings, you can make an informed decision about which insurance provider to choose, ensuring that you receive the best possible service and support.

Types of Insurance Plans

There are several types of health insurance plans available, such as family floater, personal, and senior citizen plans. However, your main objective is to obtain the maximum benefit from your insurance policy. To achieve this, it’s recommended to compare similar types of plans offered by different health insurance companies providers. This allows you to evaluate the features and benefits of each plan and select the one that best meets your needs and budget.


Buying an insurance policy is a huge decision for you and your family as it would impact the way your medical bills would be covered in case of an emergency. Make sure that you keep the factors discussed above in mind and make an informed decision. If you want to learn more about the different types of health insurance plans and which one would be best suited for your family, you can consult the experts at Niva Bupa.

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When to Seek Veterinary Care for Vomiting in Cats




Vomiting is an exanthematous incident frequently experienced by felines, with countless root causes and intensities. Although certain scenarios of regurgitation may not be considered concerning, some circumstances necessitate immediate veterinary attention. This article will discuss when to seek veterinary care for vomiting in cats and the potential consequences of delaying treatment.

What Is Vomiting?

Vomiting is the ejection of semi-processed nourishment and other stomach and small intestine materials. Various conditions can bring it about, including dietary imprudence, foreign body ingestion, gastroenteritis, and other medical issues. It is significant to remember that vomiting is not equivalent to disgorgement, which is the ejection of unabsorbed sustenance or liquid that has not yet gone into the stomach.

Signs of Vomiting in Cats

Cats typically display a few signs that indicate they are vomiting. These signs can include heaving, retching, and abdominal contractions. Additionally, cats may produce drooling, lip-licking, and excessive swallowing before vomiting. After vomiting, cats may appear passive, have decreased appetite, and may have a poor coat condition.

When to Seek Veterinary Care for Vomiting in Cats

It is essential to bring your feline to the vet if they are disgorging more than twice in a day and a half or if they have other alarming signs, for example, listlessness, fever, not eating, or stomach torment. Besides, any regurgitation that continues for over a day and a half should be assessed by a vet. On the off chance that your cat is hurling and has any of the accompanying manifestations, it is pivotal to observe a veterinarian promptly.

Bloody Vomit: Vomiting that comprises blood is denominated hematemesis and may be engendered by a gamut of medicinal circumstances. If they are disgorging blood, it is critical to bring your feline to the veterinarian expeditiously.

Vomiting with Dehydration: Dehydration can be difficult for felines and may transpire when they cannot supplant forfeited liquids. Manifestations of desiccation comprise a parched maw, hollowed eyes, languor, and hide that does not rebound when squeezed. If your cat is exhibiting any of these indications, it is imperative to take them to the vet instantly. Treatment may incorporate furnishing fluids, electrolytes, and other medicaments to assist in reviving suitable hydration levels in the body.

Vomiting with Weight Loss: If your feline is regurgitating and slimming, escorting them to the vet is crucial to discern the originative cause. Weight diminution can result from various health predicaments, such as malignancy and incessant renal ailment.

Vomiting with Diarrhea: If your feline is disgorging and has the runs, it is imperative to get veterinary assistance promptly, as this can be a marker of a genuine medicinal condition, for example, pancreatitis or intestinal blockage.

Vomiting with Other Neurologic Symptoms: If your cat is vomiting and has other neurologic symptoms such as seizures or head tilt, it is important to seek veterinary care immediately as this can be a sign of a serious medical condition such as feline infectious peritonitis or a brain tumor.

Potential Consequences of Delaying Treatment

Delaying veterinary care for vomiting in cats can have serious consequences. Vomiting can lead to dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, acid-base disturbances, and nutritional deficiencies. Additionally, some underlying causes of vomiting can be life-threatening if left untreated. For example, untreated pancreatitis can lead to severe abdominal pain, organ failure, and death.


Vomiting is a frequent episode in felines and can be caused by many circumstances. Even though certain instances of disgorging may not be a source of alarm, it is essential to get veterinary attention if your cat is heaving more than twice in twenty-four hours or has other worrisome signs such as listlessness or fever, lack of appetite, and abdominal distress. Moreover, any disgorging that persists beyond twenty-four hours should be inspected by a vet. Postponing veterinary care for vomiting in cats can have dire consequences, resulting in desiccation, electrolyte imbalances, acid-base imbalances, dietary inadequacies, and even mortality if left unattended.


If your cat is vomiting, it is important to take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible to determine the underlying cause and provide the necessary treatment.

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