
A Guide for First-Time Hikers



Hiking is a perfect hobby for almost anyone. It is a low-impact workout, a way to explore nature, and an opportunity to keep your mind and body in a good state. Hiking offers a multitude of health benefits and is a great way to spend time with friends. 

So, if you’ve always wanted to start but had no idea how to do it, this guide is exactly what you need.

Acknowledge Planning

The first thing to keep in mind is that proper planning is the key to an enjoyable and safe experience. It will take some time to research the trails, rules, and gear, so do not rush it.

If you have a busy schedule or study in a college, this might be a bit complicated. Hiking is popular among students as it doesn’t require a lot of resources and offers immense benefits. But college students do not have time in abundance. They have to deal with assignments, lectures, and tough deadlines.

It is important to prioritize tasks. For instance, you can delegate editing or proofreading to a paper writing service like WritePaper to save some time for hiking preparation. It is a professional academic writing service for students. The experienced authors deliver writing, editing, and proofreading of all types of college papers. So, they can polish your work while you get some free time.

Do not skip on research as preparation is important to eliminate possible problems or injuries.

Choose the Type of Hiking

Overall, there are three types of hiking you can participate in.

  • Day hiking – a single-day trip. It can take an hour or 12 hours, depending on the route, level of experience, and preferences.
  • Backpacking is a trip for several days. You get to spend time in nature and take all the necessary gear and goods with you. Some go for two days; others spend weeks backpacking.
  • Thru-hiking means a trip that starts in point A and ends in point B. So, you hike through the specific area. People often use this term for longer trails like the Appalachian or Pacific Crest Trail. This is suitable for experienced hikers.

Beginners are better off with single-day hiking. Opting for a 2 hours route for the first time is a good choice to try things out. However, if you are going on vacation with friends, you can choose backpacking as well.

Select the Trail

For the first hike, choose one of the existing and well-known routes in the nearby area. There are plenty of books, websites, and apps devoted to that. They show distance, elevation, difficulty, and various features like water sources.

Depending on your skills and needs, opt for something suitable. It is always better to be safe than sorry and select something easy for a beginner.

Consider the following factors:

  • the time you have;
  • fitness level;
  • distance;
  • elevation gain (it determines the difficulty of the trail);
  • season and weather;
  • logistics (where do you start and finish and how to get home).

Prepare the Gear

This step depends on the trail you select; that’s why it is next. If it is a two-hour trip with little difficulty, you’d be good with some comfortable clothing, appropriate shoes, and basic supplies like water and snacks.

But if the route is a bit more difficult or long, it is crucial to pack the gear you might need.

Here are the hiking essentials:

  • navigation (you can use the map on your phone);
  • headlamp for after-dark trips with some spare batteries;
  • charger for your devices;
  • sunscreen and sun protection;
  • first aid kit;
  • a small knife and duct tape roll;
  • something to start a fire if you are camping;
  • outdoor sleeping gear for more than a single-day trip;
  • enough food (it is better to have extra);
  • extra water.

Those who plan on longer routes need to invest in a durable backpack and good shoes.

Check the Weather

Before heading out, make sure the conditions are appropriate. Checking the weather also helps choose the right clothing and gear. 

Some routes are closed in specific seasons, so research this beforehand as well.

Take a Friend With You

It might be much more fun to go on a hike with someone else. Surely, you can enjoy the activity on your own as well. But if you want some company, ask friends about joining you. Maybe some of them also want to start or are experienced hikers who can help you out.

In any case, even if you go solo, tell your friends and family where you are heading and when you are going to be back. Give them the exact route, just in case.

Familiarize With the Map

Have a close look at the map of the route. Make sure you understand it and can easily read it. It is good to download it if you don’t have an Internet connection. A paper copy is also a great plan B.

The point is to know what you can expect and where you are heading. Check out specific landmarks on your way.

Start Early

Popular trails can feel a bit crowded, so heading out at sunrise will give you more solitude.

And it will give you more time to hike at a comfortable pace. Remember that it is not a speed competition. There is no need to rush yourself and get tired easily. Choose the appropriate pacing and enjoy the views. This will also ensure you retain a constant level of energy to finish the trip successfully.

Leave No Trace

It is important to preserve nature as it is so that you and others can enjoy the route later. Respect the wildlife, watch your feet, and do not leave any trash behind. Take it to the end of the route, where you can properly dispose of it.

In Summary

Hiking is a perfect low-impact exercise and exciting outdoor activity. It is beginner-friendly and open to all fitness and experience levels. Moreover, one can do it solo or in a group. And you do not need much to start. So, get ready and head out to enjoy some views.


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